I have personal experience in the field as a freelancer and have worked in the Web Development field previously.I have developed many personal applications using free software to expand my skills with a 3d modeling environment. I will lead the company with a steady well-educated hand. I am qualified to lead the company because of my creative mind and concepts. I am also confident in my skills with tools in this field enough to lead accordingly. With the resources at hand, I can easily make this work.
Somnium Universe Incorporated
Start up Cost
Yearly Estimated Operating Costs
Yearly Projected Profits
The numbers I used for the estimates are actually low numbers, in order to keep from overestimating. Most online games have over 100,000 players, but those games made it without having the quality my development team will provide on our concepts. The conservative estimates still place me at around the cost of the initial investment in 1 year. I can’t guarantee the numbers, but it is a look at what is highly likely given my competition. I won’t be directly competing with the big names in Game Development because my games earn revenue in alternate ways and are more innovative. Larger companies have to try to make a game to fit multiple large demographics in home and online. My target is primarily online. I will provide the ease of instant download and the gratification of not paying for the game. Users will get the quality at no cost if they don’t want to have the benefits of membership. The game will still provide plenty of entertainment without the membership. One thing larger companies with a similar revenue structure do is make it overwhelmingly better if you buy a membership or item in game. They make it hard to be a free player. I won’t be doing that.
We will release 4 games per year, or 1 game ever quarter. The games will feature ads from 5 advertisers. The data is all within the spreadsheets. The change from the last time we spoke is in alternate revenue sources. After looking at trying to only use Advertisers as a revenue source I saw that I would need an unrealistic number of advertisers or I would need to charge an unrealistic amount for the space. I decided on an average for the price here. The contract costs roughly what a pay per click ad campaign would cost for a company in a year. This form of advertising to an audience is far more interactive than a pay per click campaign even with google’s content aware advertising.
Cost for membership is a low amount. Low enough that most players wouldn’t really think much of spending it to get the few added features. World of Warcraft, a huge online multiplayer game with millions of players, charges $15 per month. My membership is 1/3 the cost of their membership fee. Dungeons and Dragons online is the same price per month. Lord of the rings online membership is $10 per month. I am still drastically lower than any of the big name Online games. These are prices people pay just to add features to the game. Those games aren’t the same style of the games I will be releasing, but it gives you an idea where my membership cost lands. The closest competition I can find that does something similar is Nexxon, all of their games are free. They charge for in game items and weapons to “enhance” player experience. The item system is unbalanced and makes it hard on free players, which ruins the game for those who don’t want to pay. Their game quality is also not there. The graphics are still roughly 6 to 7 years old. The gameplay is alright provided you pay for a weapon. My Games will not have that issue. Most of these companies stick in their industry as they are set up almost entirely for only that. The flexibility of a smaller company allows me to be ready to expand into other fields, such as smart phone apps, or other mobile platforms to push Somnium Universe even further.
Somnium Universe will be cheaper, and higher quality than any of the competition.The Development team will be hand picked by myself based on evaluation of portfolio and previous work experience. I will get the best development team I can find in Minnesota Settling on the development team isn’t an option.This is needed as we will be innovating in a field that is progressing. Online commerce is a developing market and no one has it down entirely. With my experience in Internet marketing, game development, and the game industry in general. I will succeed in this venture.
Marketing the site at first will be the hardest part, but as soon as some players see the quality and compare it to existing games it will be an easy sell. It is free after all, selling free things is easy. I will engage in an aggressive internet(pay per click) and (Red house media)real-world marketing campaign to increase visibility of Somnium Universe, and its software. I will establish Somnium Universe as a brand, and run with it. I plan to work with an advertising agency to help me along with my marketing strategy. Red House Media is affordable and presents quality work.
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